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Improving Your Golf Game over the Winter

how to improve your golf game over the winter

Ok, we admit it. Playing golf in Ohio in the dead of winter is possible, but it's not really comfortable. 

When it gets too cold to play a round of golf in Miamisburg, you've got to get creative with your golf habit and figure out how to improve your golf game some other way.

Below are some creative ways to do just that.

Take Up Yoga

Aside from walking (involved in golfing), yoga is one of the best things you can do for your body. Its benefits range from improving heart health to encouraging good mental health to boosting your metabolism, to, you guessed it, improving your golf game.

Yoga can not only strengthen the muscles you use to play golf but can prevent golf-related injuries by improving your overall flexibility.

So -- what yoga poses are the best for golfers?

  • Cat/Cow (Marjaiasana and Bitilasana)
  • Sphinx (Salamba Bhujangasana)
  • Cobra (Bhujangasana)
  • Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
  • Thread the Needle (Urdhva Mukha Pasasana)
  • Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
  • Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

These poses in particular are done in most yoga classes, so you don't have to go out of your way to find a specific class. Though if you can find a studio offering "yoga for athletes" then go for it!

Use Weighted Clubs to Practice

Practicing with weighted movements is a great way to build your strength overall and it will make your next season swings feel effortless.

They make weighted golf clubs for this reason - but there are other solutions. Weighted bracelets (which come in all sorts of colors and come in gender-neutral designs) are popular right now.

You'd wear them while practicing your golf swing, instead of having a specific weighted club and as a bonus, you can take them anywhere.

They're like the 21st century equivalent to ankle weights - but less bulky and not as ugly!

Visit Our Indoor Simulated Range

Too cold to be out on the range taking practice swings? Vist our indoor golf driving range simulator. Schedule time and continue working on your swing in a controlled weather environment. Bring along some friends for some extra camaraderie as well. 

Get Physical Therapy

Most of us, at this age, have some sort of injury or bad body part we're working around. And because we're busy, we either never go to physical therapy for it or don't go enough.

Instead of continuing that pattern, spend the time you'd spend at the course each week in the winter going to your PT appointments. You can even ask your PT for bonus exercises you can do to boost your golf game.

Not only will this make you healthier all around, but your PT can also take a look at your golf swing and give you tips to avoid injuries down the line.

Add Golf-Centered Exercises to Your Workout

There are whole articles about exercises you can add to your workout to improve your golf game. Getting two or three moves into your existing workouts will make more of a difference than you think!

How To Improve Your Golf Game in the Winter

If you don't live somewhere you can golf in the winter, or can't get down to stay and play with us right now, you shouldn't abandon your golf habit. You know how they say summer bodies are made in the winter?

Killer swings are too. Practice yours and improve your golf game with the off-season friendly tips above, then book a tee-time at our course as soon as you can.

We miss you!
